
Word from Francois & Elzani Lombard – 27 Feb 2021

Vision 27 Feb 2021 There was a clearly laid out path stretching into the distance. A group of athletes filled the path and was running at a great speed. A blinding light was shining from the heavens and all runners were fixated on the light, never looking down to the ground or losing their speed....


Heartlands Corporate Prayer Meeting – 3 Nov 2021

Prophetic Picture by Petro Williams I saw a picture of a golden river flowing, the field around it was bright turquoise.  As the river flowed, it started to grow and expand, and the turquoise field started to produce flowers, brightly coloured flowers. The region became this beautiful, bright, exquisite place. The interpretation of this is...


LRC Church Prayer Time – 20 Oct 2021

Intercession and Unity 1 Tim 2:1 “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” It talks about ‘that we may lead a peaceful and...


Dreams 2020 – 2021

Dreams 2020 – 2021 (Susie Popovich) WHAT IS GOD SAYING? 1. Season of birthing but watch for the enemy     In December 2020, I dreamt of 5 births – with each birth, there was a beautiful baby, but with each birth, there was a snake present.                Here...